Šī gada 21. aprīlī 12. ½  klases skolēni organizēja konferenci. Aiga, Anastasija, Sintija, Patrīcija, Viktorija, Dainis, Henriete un Amanda aprīļa un marta mēnešus strādāja pie konferences par tēmu - izglītība.

Konferenci vadīja un organizēja paši skolēni angļu valodā, kas bija ne tikai lielisks veids, kā attīstīt vadības prasmes, bet arī nodrošināja jaunajai paaudzei iespēju būt aktīvākiem un līdzdalīgiem sabiedrības dzīvē.

Konferences laikā norisinājās diskusija par prezentācijā iekļautajām tēmām ,izglītības jautājumiem, kā arī par dažādiem projektiem pie kuriem skolnieki strādāja visa gada garumā, kā arī piedāvājumi citu klašu skolēniem par nākotnes profesijas, augstskolas iespējām.

Viena no konferences galvenajām priekšrocībām bija nodrošināt iespēju skolēniem izpausties un izteikt savu viedokli par izglītības sistēmu. Tādējādi konferencē bija ne tikai iespēja apspriest izglītības jautājumus un inovatīvu ideju prezentēšanai, bet arī lielisks piemērs tam, kā jaunieši var aktīvi iesaistīties sabiedrības dzīvē un uzņemties vadību.

Konferences dalībnieki ir uzrakstījuši atsauksmes par projektu angļu valodas klasē.

Amanda: We spent a long time preparing for the conference, and finally, we presented it. Organizing a conference can be challenging, and we spent about a month preparing for ours. Overall, I think that the conference went well, and each of us was able to deliver our own speeches at a high level. However, since this was the first time that the 12th grade had organised such an event for a grade, there were some details that were overlooked.

Dainis: Overall, I think the conference was a very good experience that will help us in the future, because we have overcome our fears and improved our speaking and presentation skills. It was an interesting experience, in which a lot of work and effort was invested.

Viktorija: The conference was a great opportunity for the students to practise their English language, work in groups, create a presentation and a speech for a conference, and finally give an opportunity to overcome the fear of giving a speech to the public. I think we did a really great job.

Aiga: The preparation for the conference was very tiring and difficult, however, thanks to the very good team and its cooperative work, it was easier to do. Although the project was tiring, it will help us in the future as we learned different skills in different fields during the work. Creating presentations, collaborating in a team, creating and analysing surveys and speaking in front of an audience. The positive benefits of the project far outweighed the negatives, and thanks to our class, it was much more fun and easier, as we often helped each other.

Henriete: I was very nervous about organising the conference, but with the help of my classmates, we did well. This is very different from the usual test, because this involves a lot more than 40 minutes and a pen. In that way, it was very hard. Despite the challenges, I feel proud of what we accomplished as a team.

Sintija: Thank you for the response to those who came, it was a pleasure that the invested time was not in vain. In general, we as organisers are satisfied with the results of our work, especially considering the fact that we had to do it for the first time, we hope that in the future the students will further improve the conferences.

Anastasija: Creating such a conference was an entirely new experience for me. It was challenging as it was my first time, but also very interesting. However, the conference on the topic of education turned out to be very engaging and informative. I learned a lot about different universities and how to assess their effectiveness. Overall, I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in this conference. It was not only an enjoyable experience, but also a great opportunity to develop my skills.

Patrīcija: The conference on education was informative, well-organised, and provided valuable insights on the latest trends, challenges, and best practices in the education sector. The keynote speeches were insightful and provided students with practical experiences and knowledge.

Šis ir piemērs kā jaunā izglītības sistēma attīsta patstāvīgā darba iemaņas un publiskās uzstāšanās prasmes. Šī bija lieliska iespēja parādīt citiem mūsu prasmes angļu valodā un konferences organizēšanā. Šis ilgi ieguldītais darbs palīdzēs mums nākotnē un mēs ceram, ka arī citiem, kas piedalījās konferencē dzirdētā informācija būs noderīga.

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